About Us


Mohila Bohumukhi Shikkha Kendra (MBSK) has been working for livelihood development of the poor people by which the less power people has advantage to build capacity and ensure women participation in decision-making process. The organization includes innovative program such as Education support centre for quality education and thrive of intellect, establish Enrich house by utilizing homestead yard,  Beggars rehabilitation, prepare household plan & community development, uplifting the quality of the life of elderly people, increase income through vasak cultivation, stipend to poor meritorious student, support to poor patient, technology transfer through agriculture unit, fishery and livestock unit, black Bengal goat rearing, value chain project on beef fattening, sanitation development program, sports and cultural program and  gender development to prevent violence, technical skill training to unemployed youth, sanitation development. Moreover the organization is driving various socio-economic developments under micro finance program in different areas of Dinajpur, Thakurgaon, Nilphamari and Rangpur District.

Our Vision

Empowerment of women and practically enjoy the fundamental rights through establishing social, economic and cultural justice and sustainable development, which recognize the diverse realities of women and respect their efforts at self-determination.

Our Mission

MBSK is committed to the empowerment of the disadvantaged and marginalized members of our society. We focus on women and children, who suffer under discrimination, ignorance and poverty, find themselves vulnerable and as a result extremely exploited and deprived. We are working to bring about a change in the condition of this group by providing them the means to take their fair and just social and economic role next to the men in our communities. MBSK emphasize to promote food security, gender development and health development, empower ,women and eliminate violence against women by raising awareness, climate change, basic rights and fundamental freedoms and prevention of HIV/AIDS through advocacy and lobbying. MBSK commits to strengthen the role of women by ensuring a source of employment through vocational and skill development training.


The Organization has legal registration with the following Government Institutions:

  1.            Govt. Women Affairs Department: Dhaka. MBM 60 (80)   Date: 10.10.1980
  2.       Govt. Family Planning Department, Dhaka D/FP/88/19       Date: 10.09.1988.
  3.           NGO Affairs Bureau (Foreign Donation), Dhaka. No. 474, Date: 26.05.1991
  4.       Societies Act XX1 of 1860, Dhaka. No. S. 3245 (34)/2003 Date: 24.07.2003
  5.       MRA,  Dhaka No. 03703-01005-00363, Date: 28.12.2008


To establish an integrated socio-economic development activities for poverty reduction and promote good governance, women leadership building, strengthen local Union parishad, water and sanitation, women empowerment, literacy, food security through Community mobilization,  Skill development training, Asset transfer, Income generating activities, Awareness on Climate Change, Agricultural development, Livestock development including Fishery  for nutritional development,  health development through right based approach including health hygiene and nutrition program for the advancement of the disadvantaged and underprivileged children, adolescent extreme poor women, minority and rural people especially women community in monga area prevention of girl, women and child trafficking and epidemic such as HIV/AIDS, Pneumonia  in order to enable them to plan, implement and evaluate their activities self sufficiently.


a)      To promote socio economic development through community mobilization, health hygiene & nutrition, skill development training, asset transfer, income generating activities, Awareness on Climate Change, agricultural development, livestock development, Enterprise development including fishery development.

b)      To promote good governance, women leadership building, strengthen local Union parishad, women empowerment through Enterprise development.

c)      To promote literacy and continuing education for human development.

d)     To promote health, hygiene and nutrition practices (pregnant mother counseling, ANC, PNC, child growth    monitoring, EPI) through medical services, health rights & court yard session,  water and sanitation education  session.

e)      To promote conflict resolution through mediation, women empowerment and build leadership in the community.

f)       To promote Gender and development, human rights, women right, child rights and good governance.

g)      To ensure child security through right based approach.

h)      Organize group of girl and boy for raising voice against violence through awareness rising session on rights and responsibility.

i)        To create awareness regarding preventive health measures, HIV/AIDS and family planning.

j)        To raise the voice of women and articulate their actions against in injustice and other exploitation measures.

k)      To supply Tube-well and latrine sets for development of health and hygiene practices.

l)        To establish nursery & tree plantation for maintaining ecological balance.

m)    To encourage the beneficiaries for homestead vegetable gardening.

n)      To provide support on Income generating activities for poverty reduction.

o)      To prevent women oppression, girl, women and child trafficking, anti-dowry and early marriage

p)      To provide training on legal awareness and extend legal support.

q)      To provide training on Tailoring and handicraft for self reliant

r)       To extend support to the minority people such as Hindu and Aborigine (adibashi) people  with involvement of the activity.

s)       Awareness and development on environment.

t)       To prevent epidemic such as Bird Flu (Avian Influenza) and pneumonia through awareness raising and other medical services.

u)      To involve with Research Activities.

v)      To provide support to extreme poor women, extreme minority group in Monga area.

w)    To undertake the activities for disable people.

Working Areas








No. 1 Chehalgazi, No. 2 Sundarban

No. 3 Fazilpur, No. 4 Shekhpura

No. 5 Shosora, No. 6 Awliapur

No. 7 Uthrail, No. 8 Shankorpur

No. 9 Ashkarpur, No. 10 Kamolpur

Dinajpur Pouroshova -Daptoripara,  & Baluadanga, Mongolpur Union



No. 7 Mostofapur



No. 9 Bhiail

No. 10 Punatri


No. 1 Eluari

No. 2 Aladipur

No. 3 Kazihal

Kaharol, Chirirbander


1 union for each Upazila


Kaliprakpur, Khanpur, Jordani, Mukundopur, Katla, Denail, Deor.



1 union for each Upazila




Pirganj Pouroshova

No. 6 Pirganj

No. 7 Hazipara

No. 8 Doulotpur

No. 9 Sengoan

No. 10 Jabar Hat






No. 3 Khokshabari

No. 10 Kundupukur

No. 13 Charaikhola


Kamarpukur union






01 Union



01 Union



01 Union

Description of Donor Organization and Working Period  with MBSK:


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